Wednesday , February 5 2025
Dolly Construction Ltd job circular 2020
Dolly Construction Ltd job circular 2020

Dolly Construction Ltd job circular 2023

Dolly Construction Limited Job Circular 2023.  The great news is, Now the real looking for various positions job notice for their organization empty vacancy. Dolly Construction Limited Job Circular 2023 has been published by their head office in the online job door and to get from the good jobs circular website in Jobsnotice 24- Good, we should like to inform you that, A dolly is a powered vehicle design for the link to a tractor lesson, truck, or prime mover vehicle with strong attraction power.

New Jobs circular- 2023

Bangladesh jobs circular of Dolly Construction Limited jobs full information available here. Let’s Check below Dolly Construction Limited Job Information in February 2023. Moreover, Please apply who is indeed deserving of the quality and experiences of this job. You will have a solid drive, inspiration, and bearing to succeed and have the capacity to jobs in a well being cognizant condition.

Dolly Construction Limited Job Circular 2023

Are you searching for a job in Circular? We also daily update new job circulars in Bangladesh. You will apply your abnormal Kingdom of specialized ability and dominion to complete these obligations in a client-centered way.

Publication Date: 
Name of the Post: As per circular.
Job Type: Engineering Jobs
Age Limit: As per circular.
Vacancy No: As per circular.
Source: Online.
Educational Qualification: See circular below.
Salary: Negotiable.
Application Last Date: 
Job Location: Anywhere in Bangladesh.

For more job information see below this original circular.


সকল পদের জন্য কম্পিউটার পরিচালনায় অভিজ্ঞতা (এমএস ওয়ার্ড, এক্সেল, বাংলা এবং ইংরেজি টাইপে পারদর্শী) থাকা আবশ্যক । যোগ্য প্রার্থীগণ প্রয়োজনীয় কাগজপত্র সহ আবেদন আগামী ২০ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২০ ইং বিকাল ৫:০০টার পূর্বে উপরোক্ত ঠিকানায় অথবা কোম্পানীর ই-মেইলে প্রেরণ করতে পারবেন ।


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