Thursday , January 16 2025
Top 10 Insurance Companies Ranking in Bangladesh
Top 10 Insurance Companies Ranking in Bangladesh

Top 10 Insurance Companies Ranking in Bangladesh

Top 10 Insurance Companies Ranking in Bangladesh. The number of shoppers can increase in this sector if we can overcome the challenges of this trade. Top 10 Insurance Companies Ranking in Bangladesh find our website Despite terribly low Insurance penetration, the contribution of insurance to the value is below 0.5%. Although the businesses would love to induce our services to remote areas, the communication systems area unit is poor. Moreover, as a result of we rely on infrastructure to deliver services, infrastructure is another downside. And it’s tough to sell policies if there are not any banks, no messenger services, or communication offices. excluding these, there area unit another challenge, including-

  • Lack of awareness,
  • Lack of ball-hawking men, and
  • Inadequate resources

Top 10 Insurance Companies in Bangladesh 2023

Best Insurance Company in Bangladesh

1.MetLife Bangladesh
2.Jiban Bima Corporation.
3. Popular Life Insurance Co Ltd.
4. Delta Life Insurance Co Ltd.
5. Meghna Life Insurance Company Limited.
6. Padma Life Insurance Ltd.
7. Sunlife Insurance Company Limited
8. Fareast Islami Life Insurance Company Limited
9. Takaful Islami Insurance Limited.
10. Sandhani Life Insurance Co Ltd.
11. Pragati Insurance Company Limited

Top 10 Insurance Companies Ranking in Bangladesh

As there square measure several firms in Asian country people who do the business, 10dency to|we tend to} attempt to organize them within the high ten. From insurance to automobile and general insurance, there square measure most varieties of insurance in Asian countries. See more: What Are Some Benefits to Expect With A Title Loan?

According to the Insurance firms Act, 1913, the underwriter is an insurance company being an organization, partnership, or association that can be tense. But, since 2010, the sole body for regulation and development of the insurance sector of Asian countries | Bangla Desh| East Pakistan| Asian country| Asian nation} is the Insurance Development and administrative body of Bangladesh (IDRA).

1. American Life Insurance Company

One of the earliest insurance companies in Bangladesh is the American Life Insurance Company. It starts its operation in 1952 in Bangladesh. Although it was an America-based insurance company, they have successfully adapted it to suit the needs and expectations of Bangladeshi people. These have taken it to the top position in the country. Its new name is now Metlife Bangladesh.

2. Jiban Bima Corporation

As one of the States owned Bima Corporation in Bangladesh, Jiban Bima Corporation, has branches all over the country in Bangladesh. The term ‘Jiban Bima’ has been taken from the Bengali language which means Life Insurance. And many people of Bangladesh prefer to buy policies from Jiabn Bima as it’s a government organization.

3. Delta Life Insurance Company Limited

Among the private insurance company in Bangladesh, Delta Life Insurance is the first one and working since 1984. Also, it’s the largest private insurance company in Bangladesh that has broadened its range of work abroad. And the company is founded for serving the nation with insurance services that can work all over the country.

4. National Life Insurance Company Limited

National Life Insurance is one of the largest insurance companies in Bangladesh, which has spread across the country. To reach the entire insurable person in Bangladesh, this unique insurance company started its journey. Apart from these, they are successful also with their direct beneficial schemes and other offerings.

5. Shandhani Life Insurance Company Ltd:

By their ‘Micro Insurance’ segment, the Shanghai Life Insurance Company is creating a change in society. As the insurance company has been working for 25 years in Bangladesh it focuses on the poor people and low-income people also for purchasing insurance and they provide smaller insurance and low-cost insurance. This is because very soon it was able to get lots of customers from Bangladesh.

6. Meghna Life Insurance Co. Ltd

After establishing in 1996, Meghna Life Insurance is providing the right price with modern facilities. This is one of the largest insurance companies in Bangladesh.

7. Takaful Islami Insurance Ltd:


Since the company works in both sectors Life and Non-Life insurance, it has successfully created a large network all over the country. As Bangladesh is an Islamic country, most of the people of this country are Muslims focusing on this Takaful Islami Insurance started their journey. Also, they have many schemes, which are based on Islamic rules.

8. Pragati Insurance Co Ltd

Because Pragati Life Insurance is the Non-life insurance company in Bangladesh, it provides various schemes such as-

  • Mediclaim Insurance,
  • Accident Insurance,
  • Building Insurance,
  • Factory based Insurance,
  • Aviation Insurance,
  • Home Insurance etc

9. Padma Life Insurance Co. Ltd

Although the Padma Life Insurance Company is also an Islamic Insurance company in Bangladesh, its plans are designed to keep security as well as growth aspects in mind.

10. Sunlife Insurance Co. Ltd

Sunlife Insurance has started its journey by focusing on customer security and benefits since 2000. And it’s working across Bangladesh with success. This is one of the popular insurance companies in Bangladesh. Source: Business Jobs-notice-24.

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